How to Convert Numerical Grades on 4.0 Scale?

Hey everyone !! So my school doesn’t really calculate grades on a 4.0 scale like most other schools do and it’s kind of tough to see where I stand because of this… I was wondering if anyone has an accurate method of how colleges will interpret my grades in relation to other applicants submitting 4.0 scale grades. As a rising senior I have a 94.64 average and this will be the score schools I’m applying early to will see. Is this a good grade? Is a 95 considered 4.0 or simply an A? or is only a 100 seen as a 4.0 (which seems nearly impossible to achieve as an average)?

And how does a grade convert? Like what would a 90, 91, 92, and 93 be?

My son’s school was the same. The college board has a conversion chart if you google it. According to them you have a4.0, but there are other versions out there. In most cases I think wherever you apply will redo your GPA however they do.

In MOST cases, the following applies:

[]90+ = 4.0
]80 - 89 = 3.0
[]70 - 79 = 2.0
]60 - 69 = 1.0
[li]<59 = 0.0[/li][/ul]

Now of course, using the 100-pt system instead of the 4.0 system helps to mask whether you’ve gotten a B, C, D, or even F. Your high school transcript will say so, but the “GPA” will make it not as obvious. If needed, the school that you’re applying to will recalculate your GPA based on what their standards are. If you need to know how to do that, look up any GPA calculator on the internet and they can tell you more. It’s often done by the class and then summed up.

It’s not necessarily a 4.0. My daughter has a 97 (point something) overall average but when I plugged her grades into, her GPA was a 3.97 or something like that.
I think typically 93+ is a 4.0, so if you have any grades that were lower than that, your GPA isn’t a 4.0.

Ok! Cool, so it seems to be that it is ultimately determined by however the individual schools will calculate their grades, which varies by institution. I guess we’ll see by the end of the college application process how they view this :slight_smile:

Here is one scale to convert that I found online from the college board. There are many more if you do a google search.

Typically colleges will interpret the grades in context of your class, so if your class ranks, that will tell the colleges more. I also was in a school that just reported the final grade, but you couldn’t really interpret a score like 94 definitively without knowing how it compared to others in the class. It’s a very good score but how many are above you? Also my school gave bonus points for honors/APs but did not change the grade in the transcript to reflect that, only used that bonus to calculate the final GPA and rank.

ahhh yeah that’s tough. My school doesn’t do class rank either because of how competitive it is (one of the top 20 schools nationally), but maybe that will tell the colleges something. The only class ranking is top 50% and bottom 50% of the 200 students, so i’d be top 50%. Not sure that doesn’t really say much though… I guess they’d likely compare me to the other students from my school that also apply to their schools?