<p>I've been talking to my mom about some of the universities I'd like to apply to. I have a feeling though she is not taking me seriously and is just expecting me to go to one of the in-state universities, or the local private U. However I do not want to stay home for extraneous reasons. She has never been overbearing, oppressive, or "sheltered" me, so I was surprised when she said she didn't want me to go too far because she would miss me. It always seemed like she wanted me out of the house as soon as possible! I am aware of the plane costs of going somewhere. Being from Missouri, we seem close to everything but far away from everything at the same time (if that makes sense). I have been looking at places like USC...Rochester..etc. would be 10-20+ hours drive away.</p>
<p>In the end, I would likely choose the most affordable option because I have graduate school ambitions...whether its in-state or out-of-state.</p>
<p>My question here is how can I convince her to "let go"?</p>
<p>USC is not affordable. How to convince her? Show her the money: prices for the colleges.</p>
<p>I have some close friends there in SoCal and I would likely not be living on campus at USC, (and I wouldn’t be required to pay any rent, so they tell me!) My mom also said it would be affordable option based on what the net price calculator said, as well. Of course, If I’m even able to get into Viterbi there. We’ve gone over most of the net prices on some of the schools I am considering, they all would supposedly give us enough need-based aid on their NPCs. She’s just more hesitant to let me go so far, geographically. Many of the privates would give us enough money that would make our in-state options more expensive.</p>
<p>She’s also hesitant to let me go to UA - Where I would qualify for a full tuition scholarship + 2.5k a year.</p>
<p>I’m just a bit surprised she has taken it this way - I understand she’s a mother, but she usually hasn’t been a very “sensitive” one. I didn’t think she would care too much - but then again, it would only be her and my brother here in Missouri. I guess she would get kind of lonely, since we don’t really have any family here. </p>
<p>Make both your mom and yourself happy – apply to a couple of in-state universities AND some (like USC) which are what you really want. You should apply to at least five or six colleges anyway. Make sure a couple are close to home.</p>
<p>Parents get very agitated when they believe they are being ignored. So, don’t ignore your mom. Make it clear that you are considering her wishes. Just include your wishes too.</p>
<p>Yeah, I think I am still going to apply to 3 universities that are in-state and have been shown to be affordable (SLU, WashU, & MOS&T). SLU’s a safety because because of her connection we get 2/3 tuition removed, which can make it a very affordable option. I wouldn’t mind going to any of those three - but being in St. Louis, I would have to be commuting to SLU & WashU, and there are personal reasons why I don’t want to live at home anymore; although if I were somehow accepted to WashU I would love to go there regardless!</p>
<p>Maybe when we have all of the financial aid offers together it’ll be easier to compare the deals. If the most affordable option’s in state I’ll probably go with that anyway. She’s always been a really money-driven mom :)</p>
<p>I will say I was much more emotional when my olderst was starting to apply to schools. August-December was emotional for me. But once the reality hit - I was just happy that my daughter found the right place. She is 750 miles away. I did make her apply to one in-state school though because I was afraid she would get cold feet!</p>
<p>Personally, I believe everybody, who can afford to do so, should attend college far enough away from home that the parents cannot visit and leave on the same day. Just my personal rule of thumb.
<p>Recommend looking at Tulane. For some reason people keep comparing it to WUSTL, although it is not as selective. Both are reputed to have happy students, and dedicated alumni.</p>
<p>Yeah - I’ve been considering Tulane, it’s on my potential list. I may possibly apply there EA. Plus, my mom really likes the “New Orleans” culture, so she may be more open to that, and maybe she would want to be the one to visit!</p>
<p>She has suggested that I go to a uni in Florida (she comes to Florida often to visit family) - but outside of the University of Miami, which isn’t in a city I don’t think I’d really like to live in, there are not many private U’s in Florida that would give me substantial aid. Maybe I need to look harder - FIT, Embry-Riddle can be some possibilities. Plus, the latter would be very close (within a few hours) of a family member’s home. Not sure on affordability, however.</p>
<p>To be honest though, I’m more appealed to going to college in the middle of nowhere. The Northwest sounds great, but there simply isn’t that many universities up there, compared to the East & Wests coasts, especially the former, for my situation.</p>