<p>Also, read your notes. My teacher prints out her powerpoint presentation, but I can’t learn worth crap from listening to a teacher, so I write down everything on the screen and notes of what she says. It’s helpful, and REREAD them.</p>
<p>Flash cards. They can give you a decent knowledge of the subject, even if you miss the forest for the trees. They’re also useful for quick memorization. If you know how to use them well they’re very useful.</p>
<p>The downside is that making them can be quite time-consuming.</p>
<p>LOL @ 1~2 days = cramming. That’s studying a lot before the test…that isn’t cramming.</p>
<p>Is there anyone that actually “studies” like 3 days before the test? I don’t know a single person that studies anything until the day before…weird.</p>
<p>Cramming is more like, going into the class and absorbing pageloads of information in the 3~10 minutes right before the test. That’s *cramming.<a href=“and%20something%20that%20I%20tend%20to%20do%20nowadays”>/I</a></p>
<p>EDIT: For the actual question though, I just read it fast and concentrate, say a couple words out loud. Concentration is key, captain obvious.</p>
<p>Recopy all your notes, and reorganize information so it makes more sense (you know how sometimes you just mindlessly write what the teacher does? Don’t.).</p>
<p>for biology i usually review my notes…but if you didn’t take any, then just go to the very last section of the chapter, and memorize the summary. also review A LOT the notes that ur teacher gave and do the activities from ur textbook even if u didnt read. sometimes teachers give the exact or similar questions from it. and if ur teacher is kind enough to tell u what percent of the exam will b based on what, ask her bfor u leave school to cram. i usually do that.</p>
<p>lol cramming 2 nights before the test ***ff. i consider ‘studying’ to be the morning of and at lunch and ‘cramming’ is like in the actual class room or in between periods</p>