<p>I have seen this question asked before on this site, and others...and I have seen how it is normally responded to. My roommate, who has become an amazing friend to me has been openly contemplating a transfer from our university to a small LAC by his home. The reasons are not academic, or financial...they are solely so he can hang out with his old high school friends who will all soon be moving away to other colleges anyways.</p>
<p>Listen, I know THIS IS HIS CHOICE and I will ultimately respect whatever move he makes, even if that is returning to his hometown. I also can't ignore what his friendship means to me, and the illogic that is going into his decision. Is there some way to go about convincing him that this school is a better choice? I get that he is an adult, and can do what he wants...but it can't be a crime to try to convince a good friend to stay, even if it fails.</p>