How to deal with classmates in my group project who aren't contributing?

I am in a group with 5 other people. We are supposed to do presentations that last the whole class (hour and 15 minutes)… I have asked people in the group what they want to discuss in the presentation and their response is “I don’t know”. I created a discussion board on Canvas (similar to Blackboard) asking people what they want to do for the presentation and no one replied.
I was talking to one of my group mates today after class and he said he would start working on it tomorrow (he said he has tomorrow off from his job) and the other group mate never responded to my text. There are also a couple girls in the group who don’t pay attention during class and play on their phone and talk when the professor is teaching.

The presentation is due Thursday and i have no idea what we are doing and I have to do other presentations with these people for the whole semester

Can you assign them specific jobs? Maybe they would appreciate you taking the lead.

Group work stinks, especially when you need to meet outside of class. Have you clarified with the professor how the grading will be done? (indiv v group)

Make sure there is a clear division of labor and that it is listed on one of the slides (e.g. A. did the history of basketweaving, B. did cultural differences in basketweaving, C. did new techniques in basketweaving, D. did ethical issues in basketweaving etc etc.).

Also there needs to be a point person who will collect all of the slides and put them together into a unified presentation with the same overall “look” so your presentation doesn’t looks like a ransom note. (That might be you, unfortunately. Make sure that part gets onto the division of labor slide.)

Also take attendance at any meetings you have. Sometimes people might have a conflict with work or something but if they volunteer to do something else, you can note that. Otherwise, just a listing of who attended and did what can be handed in. Good luck!

edited - posted by mistake