<p>At the beginning of the semester I was paired with a guy who smoked cigarettes and never washed his clothes. Every single time I walked into the room I'd literally gag from the smell. Thinking back, I should have just stayed with him. He was awesome besides that. </p>
<p>So, due to the horrible scent, I swapped rooms (in actuality, a random Chinese guy begged me to swap and I agreed too). Worst decision of my LIFE! I don't even know where to start. This guy is insane. He's in the room 24/7. The only time he leaves is when he speed walks to the cafeteria to eat lunch/dinner and then comes back. I rarely see him shower. Other than that he just studies. I'm a freshman, btw. He's a sophomore.</p>
<p>On a normal day I usually get in bed around 1:30-2:00AM. My first class isn't until 11. When I come in the room at 2AM he is usually studying and starts grunting and moaning when I ask him if I can cut off the large light to go to sleep (although I still leave the second light on, and he has his lamp. Plus if he really needs more light, there are a billion and one study areas. As a matter of fact, I never study in my room). What really aggravates me when I attempt to sleep is all the noise he makes. He's obnoxious and has no respect. I don't know what it is about the Chinese here, but they seem to not have manners or proper etiquette. He's from Beijing but apparently moved to America when he was young. Even so, he has terrible speaking skills. He is also socially awkward. He has zero friends. Seriously, zero. I've never even seen him interact with another human being. All he does is study and watch videos on his laptop. </p>
<p>He never sleeps. Ever. Most nights he stays up until 6-8AM (and of course he isn't respectful when he's up this late either). He smacks his food like a three year old child (which is a huge pet peeve of mine. It's the worst sound in the world). He paces around the room constantly, he blows his nose obnoxiously, his trash can is overfilled with nasty tissues that always seem to find their way on my side of the room, and he is very condescending (even though he's a sophomore with a sub-3.5 GPA). He cranks the thermostat up to 80° every night and when I attempted to turn it down to about 75° tonight, he woke me up (yes, woke me up) and demanded that I kept it at 80°. I kindly smiled and sent an email to my RA (in which I cc'ed him). He complains about everything. Yesterday he tried to insinuate that I didn't always lock the door because his book was missing and he believed it was stolen (and yet my flat screen tv and the cash on my desk was just completely left untouched and a political science textbook was deemed more valuable to the thief). Anyways, I know I'm just ranting, but it's so annoying. I wish horse tranquilizer's were legal for human use.</p>