<p>I'm absolutely obsessed with one particular school (not going to say which because it doesn't really matter, but no, its not ivy league).</p>
<p>Looking at the stats.. my GPA really SUCKS in comparison, though my sat scores are good.
but GPA is the most important factor with this school, so i have a gut feeling i won't get in. dont tell me to hope for the best, because thats not what i need help with. i'll find out soon, and i need help with what to do if i DONT get in, which is much more probable.</p>
<p>I have a couple of backups that ive already got in, but when i think about going to school at any of those colleges, it just doesnt sound fun or exciting anymore, even though they are the next-best choices in state (i can't go out of state).</p>
<p>how do you guys deal with rejection of something like this, of a school where you want to go SOO badly? I'll also feel like a loser when i tell my friends which school i'll be going to.. just because they're all going to these amazing colleges.</p>
<p>I just don't know that i can handle it. I dont know what to do. :(</p>
<p>Well, although it seems a little too late for this, I would’ve recommended trying to prevent excessive obsession with one college in particular. Give that a shot, if possible.
Other than that, look at the other colleges you applied to. Focus on what you love about them, why you’ll be happy attending them… basically all of the positives of the other schools.
In the case that you do get rejected, make sure you have a support system. There are plenty of threads here that list a few things that you could do to take your mind off of the disappointment (movies, chilling with friends, etc). AND there are plenty MORE stories of people who were rejected from their absolute top choice, went to a school that they didn’t love, and wound up falling in love with it. So, preparing yourself to greet something with perspective works.
Other than that, just try not to worry until the “result” arrives Good luck!</p>
<p>Send in your app, then move on with life I know it sounds hard but…you will certainly do really well elsewhere. Though a school is a partner is doing well, it is not a necessity and sometimes we don’t know what’s best for us until it just…happens [out of circumstance or luck]. </p>
<p>What I do…did…is had a moping day for ~3 days and then had some friends do serious pep talking to me! No need to get stuck in a rut :)</p>
<p>It sounds kind of odd to say, but try to think of all the negative things about the college that you have your heart set on, in order to break away from the obsession. That way, if you get in, it’ll be a nice surprise, and if you don’t, you’ll be able to move on.</p>
<p>I agree- research match schools, and get excited about the quirky things that said other schools have unique to them. For example, Knox wasn’t my first choice school, but had I gone, I’m pretty sure I would have been happy- the interviewer I had was amazing and there’s some really great traditions like pump handle where you shake <em>everyone’s</em> hands on campus and I’d get to go to Flunk Day or their international festival. Those little things can really help you enjoy or appreciate a school- even in comparision to your favorite.</p>
<p>Dude, I had a similar experience. I was sure I was going to get into Williams ED and told all of my friends as much… but I didn’t get in. So I look like a ****** and I can’t go to the one school that I’ve dreamed about attending since ninth grade. It’s hard to get over that in a day. As trite as it sounds, look at the big picture. You will go to college somewhere, have good friends, have a ton of fun, get a good education, and if you want to devote the effort, you can get great grades in college and get into a top-notch grad school.</p>
<p>chicwhite – Everyone has to learn how to be rejected, whether it is from your dream school, your dream job or the person you really want to be in a relationship with. If you are rejected you’ll find that the world goes on spinning, you’ll get over it and you might very well end up in a better place than if you have gotten what you thought you wanted.</p>
<p>ds143 has a good point. Seriously though, move on. A few years down the road, when you have a family and a job, no one is really going to care what college you attended, unless it was Yale or Harvard. :P</p>
<p>Since your decision is probably almost coming, I would say to just live up the rest of your high school life!!! RElaxxxxxx and have Funnnnnn!!! ditto, about researching match schools or safeties. Do not become too obsessed with one school!!! It’s one of the biggest mistakes you can make, especially if its a reach school. Realize that its not the school that makes you, but the experience that you make at the school. Don’t worry about your friends either, just hope for the best but don’t concentrate all your time on UofG. Just be happy and understand that life will continue no matter what happens.</p>
<p>Seriously, do not become obsessed with a reach school. Chances are usually against you, thus the school being a reach school. Best bet is to love your current match school so much that a rejection from a reach school will not shift you off course. However, in the event that you are accepted, more power to you.</p>
<p>Everyone is going to encounter lots of rejection and disappointment. That’s life. Dealing with rejection by drinking or drugging is a quick way to become a loser. </p>
<p>Take a few days to mourn your loss, and then move on. Real friends will console you. Physical activity like sports also will raise your endorphins and put you in a happier mood. Thinking about bad points of your dream school and good points of the school you’ll go to also will help.</p>