How to decide whether to choose CS or Data science as a major for college admissions?
Funny a good friend of mines daughter just made the decision to go into Data Science at Michigan. She did a deep dive into the program and liked what she saw. She already knows 5 computer languages and is taking advance CS courses now and next year. The subsets of data analysis just speaks to her. Do a deep dive into both field’s. Talk to an admission counselor for both to get a better idea what you can do with both degrees.
Some schools like Michigan you go lsa then apply to Data science etc
At some schools, data science (DS) is a separate major while at others it may be a specialty within CS. Regardless, which one you should choose depends on your interest. A data scientist specializes in analyzing large quantity of data using computational and statistical methods, which nowadays are primarily about applications of machine learning algorithms and methodologies. A few more advanced (i.e. mathematical) DS programs may also involve studies of information theory, communication theory, signal processing, and their applications, which are not traditionally part of their CS curricula.
You may want to research colleges at which you would be free to determine which major better suits you after you are enrolled. At schools of this type, you can commit to a major in the second semester of your sophomore year. Nonetheless, you would want to begin your college studies with suitable courses in math and computer science. For data science, you also might want to think about an “applied domain” of natural interest to you, and in which you would select courses as well.