How to defend USC against my UCLA biased friend

<p>he calls me a USC cultist

<p>his dad went to UCLA
obviously hes UCLA biased then.</p>

<p>anyone wants to add?
prestige, dorm, food, medical school, business, admission rates, etc.</p>

<p>thank you.</p>

<p>or anything i can snap back at him with</p>



<p>Oh, I’m so sorry that you have to go to a PUBLIC SCHOOL ;D</p>

<p>As someone who attended SC and graduated from UCLA (my parents couldn’t afford to keep me at SC) I can add my two cents. The UCLA fight song is so pathetic that it includes SC in the lyrics, “and if by chance they see a man from USC every Bruin starts to roar…U…C…L…A, UCLA beat SC!” USC has the power because it it the school to beat.</p>

<p>My uncle is a diehard Bruin fan… and I kid with him that I am corrupting his nephew (who is currently 9 and last time I checked wants to play football for USC :P)… but seriously… USC is awesome and UCLA isn’t… 'nuff said</p>

<p>Higher entering SAT (check out the stats at</p>

<p>At USC you are more likely to get into the classes you want/need as compared to UCLA. Better chances of graduating in 4 rather than 5 years.
Less bureaucratic
USC offers great advising.
Easy access to profs.
Generally smaller classes taught by profs rather than TAs.
USC offers the Thematic Option Honors program… very rigorous with very hard work but you get the best profs in small classes, and you get one on one writing tutorials. Included in TO are field trips and cultural activities (theatre, films etc).
Better financial aid.
Access to research opportunities starting in freshman year.
Access to internships, study abroad.</p>

<p>UCLA though is a great school too.</p>

<p>I suggest Puhoke look for friends who share the same enthusiasm for USC.</p>

<p>There is no need to defend USC against UCLA. Just say UCLA is a great school. But you are going to USC if you get admitted.</p>

<p>I don’t think “friends” should be critical of your choice of college. Each person has to find the right fit and your “friends” should be happy for you.</p>

<p>of course both of us know we’re joking
but its always fun to win in a debate</p>