how to edit css profile??? help

<p>I contacted college board about changing citizenship status because I just got my greencard and dont want to apply as international student. I submited to one college as a foreign student last month. They told me I can not change from international to greencard holder because that field is not editable. they told me to keep as international and in ES section put a note there saying I am permanent resident. i believe this is bad solution. what is your take?</p>

<p>You need to call the colleges and ask THEM how they deal with changes on the Profile. Every school has a way of handling these changes. You cannot change that field online…really you can’t change anything online once you’ve submitted a Profile to a particular school. Call the schools…they will guide you.</p>

<p>I undersatnd the submited one is not changeable. I only submited one and I already contacted that school for the change. I am talking about future submissions. I am about to apply to 10 more schools and I want to change my css citizenship status from international student to permanent resident. they told me even for future submission, i still have to categorize myself as international student (though I am a permanaent resident now) and in the ES section I should say I am a greencard holder.</p>



<p>See post #8:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Always talk to the schools directly as your situation changes. Even better, get the name of someone in Admissions and work directly with that person (unless that person is uncaring, in which case you “forget” who you spoke with last time and go for the next person who answers the phone). </p>

<p>No matter what the issue, it helps to work with one person whose name you learn and with whom you develop a relationship. Most people want to help a hard working and polite student. Don’t be shy about calling Admissions. (Calling is warmer and more personal than email – but you can also email. Stay polite but continue with the messages and questions until you have a clear understanding of how your application is marked and what that means for your chances). Good luck!</p>

<p>I called college board today and they offered two solutions. One is to write sth in the special circumstance section that when I first registered I was an international student and later got my greencard. the second solution is to create another CSS profile. I go with the second solution and have to pay 9 more dollars.</p>

<p>css support told me that updates to a css that has been submitted to a school are done by manually printing out the Acknowledgement, crosing out the values, writing in the correct values, then snail mailing the revised css to the school.</p>