How To Explain A 'D Grade'- Intl Students

<p>So I’ve been accepted to 4 UCs (Davis, Irvine, SC, Merced). I have done my high school education abroad. I have 1 D grade from my first semester of 12th grade. However, in the curriculum where I live, a ‘D’ does not equal the same grade as a ‘D’ in the US. Here, a ‘D’ would imply 60-70 %. If you get below 40%, that means you failed that course. I indicated all of this on my application as well.
Now the UCs say that admission can be withdrawn if the student fails to obtain a C or better.</p>

<p>How do I explain this to the UCs? I’m sure I’m not the only one facing such a situation. Is there anyone who’s had similar issues? </p>

<p>A D can be 60%-70% in the U.S. too…</p>

<p>Yeah but I think the difference is how close a D is to failing the course. Here, a D is really really far from failing.@bodangles</p>

<p>Try to get a letter from principal or teacher explaining the grades. Also 60-70 % in Honors or Ap courses are given credits. Like for example a B in Ap class is considered an A.So check with the college you are applying.</p>

<p>You have to notify them. They may ask you to take it over. They CAN rescind you but they seem to try to work with people who notify them of it and try to work it out, from what others have posted here. If they don’t find out until you send your transcript, that would be worse.</p>

<p>One question will be whether this was in a ‘required’ a-g course, or an ‘extra’ course after you have satisfied the requirements. However, you need to email / call them and discuss it with them. (Do it first with the one you most want to attend. If that works out, the others become unimportant.)</p>

<p>@collegematters they do not bump up a D grade with an AP, you have to get a C or better to get the bump.</p>

<p>@collegematters yeah I’ve asked my school to write them a letter explaining the grades. </p>

<p>I also called UCD and UCSC and asked them about it. They said since I reported it on my application, I dont have to worry about it. They’ve already taken the D into account.</p>

<p>But thanks anyways guys! :)</p>

<p>Grade Percentage
A+ 97% - 100% :star: A 94% - 96% A- 90% - 93%
B 80% - 89%
C 70% - 79%
D 60% - 69%
F 59% and below</p>

<p>A = 5.0 or 4.5
B = 4 or 3.5
C = 3 or 2.5
D = 2 or 1.5
E/F = 0[5]
weighted </p>

<p>Percentage Classification/ Division U.S. Grade Point Equivalent U.S. Grade Equivalent
70% and above Distinction / Outstanding 3.5 - 4.0 A
60% and above but below 70% First class 3.5 - 4.0 A
50% and above but below 60% Second Class 2.5 - 3.49 B+/B
40% and above but below 50% Pass Class 1.5 - 2.49 C+/C
Below 40% Fail 0 - 1.49 F</p>

<p>Letter Grade Marks Grade Point
0 70 and above 7
A 60 to 69.99 6
B 55 to 59.99 5
C 50 to 54.99 4
D 45 to 49.99 3
E 40 to 44.99 2
F (Fail) 39.99 and below 1</p>

<p>@collegevetting …D cannot be bumped to C, but 70 according to his grading system is not D …Each country has different grading system.</p>