How to finish critical reading sections faster?

<p>Whenever I do 24 question, 25 minute critical reading sections I only finish with around 30 seconds left. I'd like to finish faster, preferably with 5 minutes left. It's usually the long passages that are the time killers. I finish sentence completion in 2 minutes, short passages 4 minutes, but long passages in 18-19 minutes. Any tips on how to take down the long passages quickly?</p>

<p>What is your current strategy? And when do you plan on taking the real thing? This can help advice from various CCer’s to be much more specific and realistic. More details please (as much as possible).</p>

<p>It all depends on how fast you do things…</p>

<p>For me, SC takes me at least a whole minute longer than you. Short passages take me 4 to 5 minutes. </p>

<p>Now, the actual questions on the long passages take me almost no time. I mean, there’s obviously some questions that make me stop and have to thoroughly think. But my strategy is that I read the passage thoroughly and I make sure I understand everything and anticipate questions. I look at the first question, I read up to that point, then I answer. However, if something is a little unclear, I will stop there and just think and try to understand. I will also anticipate what the answer is before even reading the options. </p>

<p>This helps me a LOT on increasing my understanding of the passage. It doesn’t help me finish faster (in fact, I also finish with 30 seconds left usually), but it helps me finish safe. </p>

<p>I personally don’t think people should work on finishing so quickly. I mean, everyone here will tell you about the value of only giving yourself 20 minutes (or 22, whatever) on a 25 minute question… but I think that’s stupid. I love the fact that I only finish with 30 seconds left (and sometimes I finish right one the dot), because I know that I fully understood everything and answered to the best of my abilities.</p>

<p>However, I’m just some random guy, and most CR experts on here will tell you to start finishing faster. To each his own, I guess. All I’m saying is: do you really need to finish faster?</p>

<p>I pretty much follow johnnyzxz’s strategy. However, I just don’t really feel safe finishing with only 30 seconds.</p>