How to finish the first paragraph of an assay

<p>So basically the first paragraph is the thesis and after the thesis (the 2nd,third and 4th paragraphs serve as examples that prove your thesis) .Do you think i can use an universal completing sentance of the first paragraph ''The subsequent examples assert my thesis'' ?</p>

<p>EDIT : How to finish the first paragraph of an ESSAY</p>

<p>to me, that sounds pretty weak. I basically do what I learned in English class, which is use the first part of my intro as a hook, and then transition into my thesis, which is the last sentence of my opening paragraph. My thesis would look something like, "[Insert Argument Here] is proved through [Example 1], [Example 2], and [Example 3].</p>

<p>I usually do a minor hook, an overview of what I will be arguing, followed by the thesis. I got a 12.</p>

<p>1st of all - the SAT essay not the typical essay we write in our English or Philosophy classes.
And why ‘‘The subsequent examples assert my thesis’’ sounds weak ?</p>

<p>Ivan I don’t think you should do the subsequent examples thing either. Doesn’t flow. I just put examples can be found in college life, school, etc. and I got an 11.</p>

<p>Grading an essay is a very subjective task.The grade really depends on the personality of the teacher…</p>

<p>Not when the teacher is following a clearly structured grading rubric that doesn’t allow for any subjectivity.</p>

<p>Never use ‘this proves my thesis’ or asserts or whatever.
^That’s what my English teacher said, and yes it does not flow well…</p>

<p>The things you need to get a 12 on the essay

  1. a strong thesis. just bluntly state your position on the topic. don’t be shy. it should be the first sentence in your paragraph. then follow by an overview (state what you are going to talk about, usually 2 examples is enough.)</p>

<li><p>the examples. summarize the story. in Dec, my first example took up a full page. I basically retold the story of sir gawain and the green knight. then at the end I just said how through persistence, he saved his own ass. my second example took up 3/4 of the page, repeating the same process with the first example.</p></li>
<li><p>this left me with a 1 sentence conclusion, and that’s all you need. I stated that why I chose persistence and alluded back to my examples.</p></li>

<p>the moral of the story? the longer your essay, the higher the score.</p>

<p>I filled up two pages and got an 11, which is utter BS considering I got a 12 last time :[</p>

<p>Yeah, with the SAT, it’s really quantity over quality. As long as you bluntly state your thesis, and you have 4-5 paragraphs with an introduction and a conclusion, you’re basically guaranteed a score of 10+.</p>