I’m getting straight 25’s on math cause i’m just so bad at it. I just really have a problem with COMPREHENDING the question. Just a lot of the times its not about forgetting formula’s etc, just that I CAN’T UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION. Idk ACT math is confusing compared to IB math which im getting 6/7s in. I literally just need help comprehending the question and drawing it out doesn’t help me at all.
First label your givens: give them an annotation like an underline
Then label what you have to solve for: give that a different annotation like a circle around it
Solve the problem using the formulas you know
If it is a complex geometry problem then make sure to make a drawing
Remember: It is the goal of the ACT to give you a headache, however, most of the questions can be solved quite simply if you have the right mindset. If you ever get stumped on a question, skip and return.
I started from question 60 and worked my way to question 1 btw.