How to get a 4.0? Need HELP.

<p>I have a 3.98 GPA right now.
I need help getting a 4.0
What study strategies do you guys use?
Ugh. this elusive 4.0
what the **** am i lacking?!</p>

<p>Once you get a B, you can’t get a 4.0</p>

<p>You can get a 3.967 (or something around there), but not a 4.0


<p>Seriously, I pray you’re a ■■■■■. There’s no difference between a 3.98 and a 4.0</p>


<p>geez. dude. im depressed now. :(</p>

<p>I think if you take some extra credit classes, they can boost your GPA up by adding GPA, so you can have a 4.0+ Unweighted</p>

<p>Take so many classes that your GPA goes to 3.999999999999 which we all know equals 4.0</p>

<p>I hear if you take a briefcase full of cash into the principal’s office the B will be removed from your transcript.</p>

<p>I think I heard that colleges don’t count it if you only have one B.</p>

<p>Crucify your homework daily.</p>

<p>I heard that if you give me a load of cash then you’ll get into any college of your choice.</p>

<p>I also have a friend who’s a Nigerian prince who needs some help wiring money out of his bank account…</p>

<p>If you are talking in terms of weighted GPA, then obviously take AP classes and get good grades. For unweighted GPA, it’s mathematically impossible to get a 4.0. But don’t stress about it! Colleges will look at 3.98 as a 4.0. Don’t try too hard, dude.</p>

<p>how to get a 4.0: transfer to a school that grades on a 5.0 or higher scale, then get slightly-above average grades</p>

<p>B means not 4.0 DAMN!!!</p>

<p>you can’t. one B gives you a non-4.0.
i got a B once. my world ended right there, and i’m headed to filadelphia kommunity kollege this fall. your life is over. sorry :(</p>