How to get a girl to like me

<p>Hey cc'ers im having a problem. See I was really good friends with this girl until I found out she liked me. Turned off, I began to ignore her and did something that really ****ed her off. Now, however, I really do infact like her and we have since made up. However, she is acting very seriously around me rather than being her normal, funny self. We are also goignt o the same school next yr and I would really like to date her etc. Can any of you please offer me some advice? Thanks!</p>

<p>lol just ask her if she still likes you.</p>

<p>lol yea but the thing is i dont think she does after what I did. Do you what I can possibly do to make her "like" me again? :P</p>

<p>What did you do?</p>

<p>iwannatopcollege, dont take advice from 8th grader. and you shouldnt ask in CC, since we're all nerds.</p>

<p>ehem, I'm a seventh grader. :P lol.</p>

<p>I can give him advice, but he doesn't have to take it. :)</p>

<p>Jonathan, ull never get a girl.</p>

<p>esp if u decide to go france</p>

<p>lets just say I ignored her by not returning her phone calls etc, and avoiding her....</p>

<p>Orange Juice, no one in seventh grade has had a real girlfriend. I've had the closest thing that you can get to a girlfriend though. I've probably had like...ten or more. lol. Chelsea, August, Christine, Nicole, Grace, Sydney, Jessica, Chrystal, McKenzie, and Chelsea ( a different one, lol). There's ten. :)</p>

<p>B...freaking...S...just saying hi or having one conversation with them doesn't make them "close" to a girlfriend.</p>

<p>That's not that bad. Just start calling her and act like you like her. Flirt with her and see what she does. lol.</p>

<p>lol can you please critique on my situation now? Thanks!</p>

<p>"B...freaking...S...just saying hi or having one conversation with them doesn't make them "close" to a girlfriend."</p>

<p>That's not what I said girlfriends/boyfriends do. We sit by each other at lunch and hold hands and even the occasional kiss o.0. lol. It's seventh grade. We're teenagers, man! (very young teenagers, but we're teenagers).</p>

<p>There's 10 of them you've had and you're in 7th grade. I call that baloney. You'll be getting an STD later in life fo sho.</p>

<p>lol PLEASE respond to my topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Im requesting you guys beecause ive been listening to breakup songs and **** and its really starting to get to me :(</p>

<p>"lol can you please critique on my situation now? Thanks!" </p>

<p>I 12:14.</p>

<p>LL, I'll play it safe. ;)</p>

<p>And like half of those I named were in sixth grade too. Maybe onen in fifth, but then we ''hooked up'' again this year. lol. ;)</p>

<p>Just be nice. But don't show interest in a 'liking' like way. just be a friend. and eventually.. she'll like you. flirt , but don't give her the sign you want her. ;)</p>

<p>yea thats what im doing. But, idk i dont think she really buys it especially after I was rude to her.</p>