How to get admitted into the freshman Engineering Program at Purdue?

Hello Guys,

I am currently a high school Sophomore( out of state) interested in going to Purdue for undergrad Engineering. Can anyone give me some tips on how to get admitted. What kind of resume should I pack, what should I aim for on my SAT( the new one), and ACT , what range my GPA should be in ,and what kind of extracurricular activities do the admissions committee like to see?

All information is very much appreciated.

Thank you.


Apply as soon as possible (before November).

You basically have to have a stellar application. Purdue Engineering applications are highly competitive and I don’t think Purdue is a safety for anyone anymore.

Do the best you can. Good luck.

What kind of things make up a stellar application?

Fantastic grades, fantastic test scores, fantastic extracurriculars/volunteering/ talents, fantastic essay, etc etc. And it has to be unique.

My daughter was admitted to Purdue Engineering for the fall. Maybe her stats will be helpful to you.
GPA: 4.0 (unweighted)
ACT : 33
SAT: 2140 in one sitting / 2210 superscore
Extracurriculars: Choir, Girl Scouts, Student Council - general council, Mu Alpha Theta, Environmental Club, lots of community service
Honors: Girl Scout Gold Award, NHS
Lots of AP classes; very strong in math and science

Hope this helps. Good Luck!

Apply ED.

TexasMom2Two, can I know her math+critical reading score?

Son was admitted EA. He has nothing that stands out compared to others: average SAT and ACT scores, big upward trend in grades through junior year, a couple of community service areas but they are “seasonal”. He had a couple of unusual opportunities that he took advantage of and were real learning experiences for him.

Overall, he is very average for an engineering applicant. However, I believe that his honesty and hard work ethic came through in his recommendations and his personal essay and his passion for the subject as well as his enthusiasm for wanting to make a difference.

Just do what you are passionate about, do well in your classes and challenge yourself. Above all, be a well-rounded individual who really wants to make a difference in the world. They do look at applicants holistically.

If you do your research about schools and their programs, you will have greater success in the application process. He only applied to 4 schools - all but one EA. Was admitted to all of them and he chose Purdue!