How to get an A in Physics 303K

Hey guys!
I’m currently enrolled in Swinney’s Phy303K class.
I’m also enrolled in a GE for the class (a supplementary course that provides extra physics practice-- counts towards GPA).
I’m thinking of dropping the GE, since it’s two hours, two days a week, and I think I’m more of an independent learner.

So anyway, I’m starting this thread for anyone who is currently enrolled in (or will be) enrolled in PHY 303K to say that it IS POSSIBLE to get an A in the class even if you weren’t one of those 5 on the AP exam kids.

All it takes is an effective approach.
Here’s what I’m thinking will help me in this class to do well: Actually read all of Swinney’s reading assignments before lectures, do all the homeworks (take notes while you do them), and do a bunch of practice exams!

What did you all do/ are doing to succeed in physics?

P.S. does anyone know any good websites for physics help?
I found this one based on my class’s textbook:

Share your tips and good luck!!! :slight_smile:


This is probably not the best forum for this type of comment/question as most students here are trying to get into UT and not already a student taking Physics. Good luck to you in class!

As NotsoPatient said, most people here are trying to get into UT. For me, I was admitted 2 months ago, and this Spring is my first semester. Also, although my major is biophysics, I completed university phyisc 1&2 at my community college.

Regardless of where physics taken, I recommend you to read the book to understand concepts, then practice as many problems as possible.

Concepts first questions later. If you drill yourself endlessly on questions, you’ll develop a set of skills that can only be applied to a narrow range of problems and you cannot see the full picture.

There is another forum website called PhysicsForums (dot) com , those people are MUCH more qualified to help you out in your studies.