<p>I'm going to be a first year in the fall and I hope to get into McIntire! I'm going to orientation July 7th-8th and I'm struggling trying to figure out what classes I should take. What math should I take? Applied calc or calc 1 or something different? Which science should I take to complete my gen eds? Language? Any advice would be EXTREMELY helpful!!!! </p>
<p>I think you would get some replies if you asked a more specific question. I assume you’ve already reviewed the Comm School prerequisites online? </p>
<p><a href=“http://www.commerce.virginia.edu/undergrad/admissions/Pages/Prerequisites.aspx”>http://www.commerce.virginia.edu/undergrad/admissions/Pages/Prerequisites.aspx</a></p>
<p>Are you asking which science or foreign language will make you a more attractive candidate? My answer would be to take classes you are most interested in because once in the Comm School you will have very little free time to explore in the College-- so spread your wings now. There is no magic formula for getting in beyond the information available on McIntire’s website. Check out the McIntire Blog for for more advice for first years.</p>
<p>Hey bb8764, I am a student that was accepted directly for transfer into the comm school. Send me a message, I’ll pass you all my info, and we can connect up on facebook. I can help you out a lot</p>