How to get into the nursing program in community college?

Hello friends!

I’ve recently graduated from high school, and was planning on going into business marketing. Recently, I had changed my mind and decided to go into nursing( and no, this wasn’t a rash decision). I had check the nursing program page on the community college I am attending and I honestly didn’t know there were requirement to even enter the program. Unfortunately, my high school GPA isn’t very high and I honestly don’t have anything prepared for nursing. I didn’t take that course in high school.

I don’t know if I can get my prerequisites done, i don’t know whether I’ll get into the program (most likely I won’t), but I want to go into this field. Is there anyway I can complete the prerequisites during freshmen year?

Please help, any information that you think would be helpful most likely would be!

Thank you so much!

The policies will vary from college to college. Read the college’s website and then ask to meet with an academic advisor at that college who is familiar with the nursing program. If you do well on the prerequisites in college, that will matter much more than your high school grades. Some people think all community college programs are open admission, but several (including nursing) are typically very competitive.

By the way, there really is no pre-nursing program in high school, but most nursing schools want students to have taken a year (preferably two) of biology, and a year of chemistry. Anatomy is also helpful, as is statistics. Taking a college bio class your first semester will be one test to see whether you have the aptititude for making it through nursing school. Nursing really is a natural science major, in many respects.

thank you so much!