How to get involved in USABO?

<p>Hi everyone, I'm pretty new on CC. I've been hearing a lot on here about USABO. I love Biology and I've studied it quite a bit. I'm taking college Bio right now and I've taken the SAT II Bio exam twice, although I will be retaking soon for a better score.</p>

<p>I really want to get involved in USABO but I have no idea how to! My school doesn't really do this kind of stuff. I know you have to take a multiple-choice exam to qualify. Where would I take the test? How do I apply? Have I already missed the deadline for this year? When is the test? What other things should I know about the process? Etc.</p>

<p>I appreciate the help! I'm looking forward to learning more about it.</p>

<p>talk to your science teacher/science department chair</p>

<p>I will definitely do so if I’m serious about it, but I would like to know the basics about it before I get myself into anything that I haven’t already researched.</p>

<p>all the information about the tests are on the usabo website:
[USABO:</a> About the Exams | Center for Excellence in Education](<a href=“]USABO:”></p>

<p>you missed the deadline for 2010, but you have plenty of time to study for 2011.
good luck!</p>

<p>I read all the info on the website; I was actually wondering if anyone had additional info (like deadlines and dates for 2011).</p>

<p>Thanks anyways for the link!</p>