How to get my parents to get a new house?!

<p>@rebeccar There is more to the goal but it really personal so I didn’t say it all… I will just say that I just really want a normal year before I leave…</p>

<p>Also what other important things?</p>

<p>If your parents have to get their current house ready to be put on the market, this includes cleaning, painting, soemtimes recarpeting, etc. You will have to live in “house beautiful” with everything in perfect neat order in case a realtor comes by. You might have to run out on a few minutes notice if someone wants to see the house. Then if they do buy a new house, you have to pack and move. NONE of this is NORMAL your senior year of college. Come on, you can buy your own house down the road. And maybe your parents dont want the kind of place you do. Sorry, but thisis not about you.</p>

<p>Other things such as saving money for college, not procrastinating on your essays, appreciating immaterial things, etc… Believe me, I completely understand where you’re coming from. My high school years were filled with family illnesses and health crisises, and my house is a mess so it’d be lovely to have a neat, normal house for at least some degree of niceness and normalcy in my life, but it’s just a house. More important things out there.</p>

<p>Maybe you should stop your whining and be grateful for what you do have…a home and parents.</p>

<p>@jym626 I am only a sophomore and there is still time left in the year. Also we just looked at some possible houses, but I don’t know if it was just looking to look or actually looking to buy… :/</p>

<p>@rebeccar I guess…</p>

<p>First step: stop making threads every 15 minutes</p>

<p>Poor simple komaromy31…I don’t do that! The forum requires you to wait 60sec before posting again…DUHHH!</p>

<p>I honestly just shook my head at your last comment Wesley…</p>

<p>Anyways… A majority of people just can’t up and buy a house. Be grateful.</p>

<p>@MIT in a good or bad way?</p>

<p>And no I know it will take time but we are about to come into some money (death in family). So i know it will take some time</p>

<p>poor simple wesley-
komaromy said once every 15 minutes, not seconds. And it looks like he/she was being generous</p>

<p>1) Make sure your parents have House Insurance.
2) Go to your local hardware store and purchase all the tools you will need to burn your house down.
3) Burn your house down
4) Make it look like an accident
5) Use the insurance you collect to buy a mansion near the Hamptons.</p>

<p>Problem Solved. You can thank me later. Tell me how it all goes OK :)</p>

<p>I know this is late. But jym626 putting this OP with the 40,000 car poster was genius! Just a perfect comment that has to be praised.</p>

<p>My smh stems from what jym26 said.</p>


That’s what Hitler said ‘o’</p>

<p>Are you seriously comparing me to Hitler?!! WOW! No comment</p>

<p>Thanks, moreover, but I can’t take full credit. Posters were talking about htis thread over in the car thread!!</p>

<p>Yes, I am seriously comparing you to the man responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people because you want a new house. That’s exactly what I’m doing >.></p>