How to get over my fear of interning?

<p>I get good grades in college and am very active in extra curriculars. I'm a well-rounded individual, a passioned leader, and I can network out the wazoo. </p>

<p>But when I'm in the "real world", I flop. I am scared of applying what I've learned to my work because I'm afraid of making a mistake. I know I'm an intern and we're supposed to learn (and I guess this is where "learn from your mistakes" kicks in) but to me, being afraid of failure is an understatement. I'm totally ok with failing a test or even a course, but failure outside of school is a terrifying thought.</p>

<p>I hate when professors hold my hand in school but I am in dire need of them outside of it. How can I get over this fear of failure and ultimately be the best intern I can?</p>

<p>PS I've interned at several federal places and have received good remarks from my supervisors but I've placed a brave face on; inside I was screaming!</p>

<p>You’ve survived several internships already. Even if you’re completely bomb your current one, it won’t impact you in any tangible way. In the worst case scenario, just leave it off of your resume. With that in mind, you don’t need to worry about failing.</p>

<p>You just need to relax man, take a step back, and look at the facts.</p>

<p>It’s kind of like crying after something bad has happened. That bad thing has become a fact of life, it can’t be changed, so why waste too much time if any at all crying, thinking, dwelling over it? </p>

<p>Same thing applies to this. Making mistakes, especially as an intern, and being scared to mess up is a fact of life in the business world. But why spend so much time worrying about it when you already know that it’s inevitable (especially when you’re nervous about it) and you’ve already interned successfully multiple times?</p>

<p>That’s the logic I used to get myself to stop stressing over absolutely everything a few years ago.</p>