How to get Pilot License considered for addmissions

Hi: I have already applied to Cal Poly, since then I have completed my Pilots License with the FAA, which is very relevant to my Aerospace Engineering Major. How can I get that on the application for consideration?

Although it is applicable to AE in a practical sense and would be taken into consideration in a holistic admission school, I don’t see where it would fit in the CP application. Possibly you could add hours to your ECs, but licensed or working towards the license, your hours were likely the same. So, unfortunately, I don’t see where it would fit into their scheme. That accomplishment is very analogous to winning a music or math competition or being an Eagle Scout, prestigious and impressive, but not part of the algorithm beyond the hours devoted to the EC. There are strengths and weaknesses to algorithm based, objective admission. These types of things are certainly some of the drawbacks. Good luck.
