How to get reading/writing score of at least 700 on the next psat?

So i just got my psat score as sophmore which is 1340/194 but i am not satisfied with my writing/reading score which is 600. Can anyone tell me how to get 700 on reading and writing score?


no matter how much i practice, i kept scoring 600s

@edsmart Practice smart, not hard. Review the questions you got wrong, see what types you get wrong the most often, and work on finding evidence in the passage.

thanks @FutureMMAChamp

What is the PSAT for sophomores out of?

Its a bit confusing because there are two different ways the score is totalled. Generally, the “new” test has a total of 1520 points possible. But for the National Merit Scholar, those points are converted to a scale, of which the highest possible is 228. For National Merit, you add together the three sections, which are each worth 38 points maximum, and then multiply that score x 2.

Annotations are very very important. You should go through the SAT passage and annotate all the way. It very useful to practice NOT jumping to the questions first. Practice going through the passage first with annotations, then go through the questions.

Moreover, another important aspect is to go through the answer choices and cross out answers. Again, make sure to cross out answers!!! Many students do not cross out answers, which makes it very hard for them to process. What’s useful for the passage analysis is not related, not supported, and not true. This can cross out most of the answer choices. Since the new SAT exam has only 4 choices, you can reliability cross out and get the answer choice.

@Perfect1600 I found your crossing out answer to be helpful, but I can’t annotate really fast