<p>Ok, well first, there’s nothing like waiting to the last minute to get an A on a project XD.</p>
<p>Well…let’s see, let’s take it subject by subject</p>
<p>English = If read a page in a book and don’t understand anything you just read, annotate the books so that you can look back to remember if you forget what just happened. They are also good studying for book quizzes and tests. For essays, have your essay read over by your friends, your parents, your dog (if he can read, lol). Peer-review helps alot, because a fresh set of eyes can always catch mistakes in the paper you thought was perfect.</p>
<p>U.S. History = Take extensive notes, so that you can review often. Ask questions in class if you don’t understand something or are confused, because otherwise, you won’t get it, and the teacher usually is the one who explains it best. </p>
<p>Chemistry = Well, flashcards help ALOT for vocab and memorizing stuff like activity series and polyatomic ions and such. For parts that involve math, such as stoichiometry, just do practice problems over and over, and eventually, it’ll click. Remember, repitition is the mother of memory. </p>
<p>Pre-Calc = Umm…well I’m taking Algebra 2 as soph, but I’m sure studying applies the same. Basically, again, ask questions in class if you don’t understand something and do problems over and over until it clicks. Maybe form study groups if that helps.</p>
<p>Spanish = Look at the vocab and various words, and repeat them over and over again until you can actually repeat them without even looking in the book, both word and translation. It definitely helps, and you go super fast on tests. Also, try throwing some random spanish into daily speaking or try practicing by speaking with friends in order to study. Speaking it definitely helps sticking it to your brain.</p>
<p>Projects overall = Make sure you choose people you KNOW will work hard and do their part, trust me, best friends aren’t always the best option. Just make sure to work together and put most of the project together a few days before the thing is due, not the day of. It doens’t work, =]</p>
<p>Hope this helps!</p>