How to get to Virginia Tech?

What is the best way to get to Virginia Tech from Northeast (not driving)? We are from Massachusetts.

Probably flying into Roanoke, then taking Roanoke Airport Transportation Service (shuttle) or Smart Way Bus to Virginia Tech .

The flights in and out of Roanoke are ridiculously priced. I wonder if this is what most folks do? If S gets admitted, the cost of coming home multiple times of year would really add up fast.

It’s a long drive but there should be some ride boards/ ride share options. There is a New England Alumni Chapter , Boston based, that might have some ideas (contact info is on their chapter site). They are having a sendoff for the new students at Castle Island on August 5th. If your son gets accepted, he may be able to connect with other kids from his area, maybe share a ride or take turns. Roanoke is not a major hub so it is not unusual that flights would be higher. Good luck!

We are in Connecticut. It takes a long time, but my son likes the train because you can walk around. You need to reserve Amtrak early for the holidays. If you enter Blacksburg, VA as one end of the trip, you can reserve a bus ticket to the train. We have not yet figured out an easy (or reasonably priced) way to fly from Blacksburg to New England.

Thanks @sevmom and @Dadisbroke (your name made me chuckle. Is your son to blame? :slight_smile: )

VT is a great school and is high on S’s list, but I haven’t found a good (or affordable) way to fly in for a visit. So @Dadisbroke, how long does it usually take for your S to travel home for the holidays and back? And did you guys visit before your S committed to enrolling at the school?

With what college costs these days I think we are all broke, but I can’t blame my son for that.

We checked out Virginia Tech on a family vacation and both my son and I fell in love with the place. I think you have to see the campus before committing to enroll. The nature is beautiful (especially the mountains). My son likes the weather, which is not colder than Massachusetts, but the fall and spring are beautiful, and its warmer earlier versus New England. Because it is in the mountains, it doesn’t get quite as hot as coastal Virginia. It is the middle of no where but there are advantages: cheap cost of living (off campus housing) and I don’t worry about crime there. To me it is what a college town should be. The place has amazing school spirit. I think it has done my son good to see a different part of the country. I don’t know of an easy way to get there. Takes my son 10 to 12 hours to get home by car or train.

@Dadisbroke Thank you! We will definitely visit!

@MomtoAndrew2018 for visiting Blacksburg, look at flying into Charlotte and renting a car. It’s about a 3 hour drive. Richmond is 3.5 hours. Dulles will be closer to 4.

Amtrak is beginning daily service to Roanoke Oct 31. Looks like it runs up to DC, probably stopping in Lynchburg on the way - so it means catching the train in Roanoke rather than having to get up to Lynchburg. No specific timing yet but leaving Roanoke in the morning, returning in the evening.

@MomtoAndrew2018 - Flights to Richmond, VA from Boston are about $150.00 (much cheaper than flying into Roanoke). It’s about a three hour drive but traffic is pretty smooth and the ride is scenic as well. I live in Richmond and drove my daughter up there for a visit late last year. Unfortunately, for me at least, she is starting at University of Southern California in about two weeks. A lot of plane tickets in my future.

Good addition @JustGraduate I thought of mentioning Charlotte and Richmond but the OP said they were looking for options that did not involve driving. It is almost 3 hours to Blacksburg from Charlotte and about three from Richmond and a teen would not be able to rent a car. But that could work on the times the parents were coming too if they did not want to drive all the way from Massachusetts. I was surprised to see how many OOS kids were on my son’s freshman floor-kids coming from Rhode Island, California, Maryland, NJ, South America, etc. It is a long way to come and not the easiest logistics but they make it work. Some probably do not go home as often as kids that are closer. Even my kid was 5 hours away by car even though we were instate.But he had an old car after freshman year and kids did some carpooling. Might be able to catch a ride on ride sharing boards with an instate kid to the Richmond airport. Have fun when you visit! It’s a beautiful campus with generally friendly, down to earth kids!

You guys are so awesome. Thanks so much for all the information!