How to have FUN in College (without partying)?

<p>Alright so its a Saturday night, you are with a group of friends from your college. What would you do? How would we entertain ourselves without going out to frat parties?
I am asking this because I enjoy the comforting setting of just hanging out with friends and partly because I have an allergic reaction to alcohol.
I really need some suggestions on what to do with friends (that doesn't involve any sort of gaming because I want to spend time with my friends doing something meaningful).
I've already thought up of several things to do such as:</p>

-Cards Against Humanity
-Watching a scary movie
-Ultimate Frisbee
-Covering a song (with a everyone singing and a couple guitars)
-Nerf Guns?</p>

<p>BUT if I missed some genius games/ways to be entertained with friends please feel free to enlighten me.</p>

<p>-There is this ninja game (I keep forgetting)
Basically you all get in a circle standing up
You all bow ninja style.
Then you like Strike a pose (any pose)</p>

<p>You have to eliminate all players until you’re the last person standing.
To do this you must “Strike” either one of their hands. BUT you can only make one move AND the player(s) you are attacking is legally allowed to dodge but no one else can move.
You don’t have to go for the player hand; you can shift position (there are no limitation) but you are still only allowed one move. </p>

-You can make your move but the next player can attack immediately after you move so watch out.
-You should “bait” the players so you can eliminate them easily.
-Not sure if it’s proven but the game seem better going clockwise rather than counter-clockwise
-No one should hurt themselves, if you do, you’re going it wrong.</p>

<p>Sorry for the lengthy post if you already played this game but it’s really popular around here.</p>

<p>Video games (League filled way too many of my Saturday friend nights lol)
Regular card games
Movies or tv show marathons</p>

<p>Honestly, I never went to a frat party, rarely drank, and don’t really recall being too bored on too many Saturdays. Something always seemed to fall into place.</p>

<p>We tend to have “lounge parties”. Because they’re in the lounge right beside the RA’s room, things are kept completely legal. It’s just we pretty much act like we’re drunk/high because we’re crazy…</p>

<p>I’ve been asked so many times the past week if I’m high…</p>