How to have incentives....

<p>I'm just not motivated anymore. Why? I feel that I will never reap the rewards that come with being successful. </p>

<p>And yes, this has to do with height. I've accepted that women simply are not attracted to me on the basis of my smaller stature. </p>

<p>So what now? Make a lot of money, get a whole bunch of prestige so I can sit in an empty McMansion, twiddling my thumbs? </p>

<p>Second, nobody take me seriously. Everything I say is seen as "cute" and inconsequential. How do I even get to the point of being a manager? </p>

<p>It's amazing how our capitalist system tells you that it's all free will and determination, when our biology seriously constrains our prospects for success.</p>

<p>YouTube</a> - S&M: Short and Male - Women Hate Short Sperm</p>

<p>YouTube</a> - 20/20 Report - Are Short Men at a Disadvantage in Romance?</p>

<p>You're probably going to have a hard time being motivated unless you do something you're passionate about, regardless of said passion's earning potential.</p>

<p>But based on your post history, I don't think you would ever take such a route, unless what you're passionate about is also ostensibly lucrative!</p>

<p>And, confidence makes up a little bit for height... not completely of course, but a little.</p>

<p>Just find something thats gonna make you rich, then you'll have money.. money is happiness... and if you are unhappy when you are rich, chances are you'd be even more unhappy if you are poor :D</p>

money is happiness.


<p>^sooo untrue there.</p>

<p>I was being a bit sarcastic, but at the same time, I think it really does lead to happiness. With money it helps keep a family together because you can afford to spend more time with them and you can afford to do family vacations. So yes, time and money = happiness, screw if you are happy at the workplace or not.. I'd much rather have a lot of money and be happy with my family and be miserable at work then be happy at work and not be able to give more to my family.</p>

<p> said you're 5'7. That's not that short...especially not as short as the 5'4 or the 5ft guy in that video!!!</p>

<p>^Problem is, it doesn't look like I'm going to have a family. Not unless I meet a woman in a 3rd world country. These days, women don't care about how much money you make, it's 80% height, 20% looks. I'd say I have the looks box checked -attractive girls have told me I look like various celebrities, but in the end, I'm too short for them. I don't even care about girls looks at this point. And like that video said, tall guys don't get it. They assume I have a GF cuz I'm a good talker. They don't realize just how strict girls are with the whole height thing.</p>

<p>I mean, why would I work hard in college, only to be like that entertainment lawyer....short, horny, and ****ed...</p>

<p>I don't care about money. I care about finding a girlfriend. I've improved all the aspects of my life that can be improved. I'm 22 and sick of being alone. </p>

<p>I have plenty of social confidence, and can make friends easily. But as I get older, that doesn't mean much. Everybody is starting to get in relationships, which leaves me making retarded posts on CC.</p>

<p>Also, I'm 5'8, but who's counting...</p>

<p>At 5'8 you're not short. Stop whining, because most girls are shorter than you. Maybe you just attract the superficial ones? Or maybe you should lower your standards. If you were a 5'5 guy complaining about your height, I could understand, but you're 5'8..only an inch shorter than the national average.</p>

<p>Maybe you'd find more success by not making such sweeping generalizations. Just, you know, food for thought?</p>

<p>A friend of mine, who is ~5'4", always complains that the guys at our school are too tall and that dancing is awkward with anyone 5'10" or above. And that all the short guys are weird. But that's pretty much true at my school. If you exude as much confidence as you say you do, you will eventually find someone who is not as obsessed with height as you seem to think all women are.</p>

<p>Are you serious? In college its 80% height and 20% looks....sweeeeeet! I'm like 6'1ish and pretty good looking...</p>

<p>But yeah, my friends 5'8'' and nearly every short woman I know is attracted to him...then again he has a great body, I'm not gay or anything but he's pretty ripped and he's a great as long as you're confident, have a good looking body, well groomed, etc. you should be fine...</p>

<p>btw... money does not lead to least not significantly... although having a family is one of the top factors in happiness over a person's lifespan</p>

<p>5' 8"'s really not that short... average height for males is, as i recall, 5' 9" with a standard deviation of 3", so 34% of men are between 5' 6" and 5' 9" (15% are below 5' 6" and another 34% are between 5' 9" and 6')</p>

<p>apumic, what makes you happy might not make someone else happy. Money to me is happiness.</p>

<p>I wasn't speaking from my own experience. I was speaking from the research done and literature on happiness, which, believe or not, is an area that many people have researched -- just as much research has actually been done on what makes people attractive to one another, how we form relationships, and how we choose partners and maintain those relationships (both successfully and unsuccessfully).</p>

<p>Additionally, from the research I'll be presenting at APS in a month, I would propose that what most people believe causes them to act or respond in a given way often is not congruent with the actual factors present in a given situation.</p>

<p>well i was speaking for myself :D</p>

<p>yes, apumic is right. </p>

<p>Money is of instrumental value.</p>

<p>Sex is of intrinsic value.</p>

<p>Love is of intrinsic value.</p>

<p>Money can buy sex, but it can't buy love.</p>

<p>I'm interested in Princeton's new economics of happiness faculty. Some really interesting stuff....I read something in the economist to the effect of 40k/year is about the point at which you get diminishing marginal returns to your general happiness...</p>

<p>Sex, on the other hand, is almost immeasurable in terms of happiness. That's why I'm not jealous of guys at MIT....</p>

<p>Look at suicide rates for incels.....</p>

<p>Basically, a lot of the components of personal happiness are completely out of one's control. I'm convinced, and would like to prove at the academic level, that male height is the single greatest measurable predictor of happiness.</p>

<p>Part of my initial inquiry into the effects of height comes from observing that the vast majority of drug addicts are very short. Most homeless men are atypically short. Apparently, short men are at hugely greater risk of suicide. So I wondered, why?</p>

<p>I realized that well, if nobody ever loves you, it's hard to care about yourself.</p>

<p>have kids and give them a great life and you will be fulfilling the genetic requirements for happiness :)</p>

<p>^did you read my post? I'm worried I'm going to be weeded out of the gene pool. I hate evolution.</p>

<p>wutang, the reason you are getting weeded out is because you sound like a baby. stop feeling sorry for yourself because those kind of things show in your confidence, and trust me you aren't going to get any women like that.</p>

<p>5' 8" is not tall, but it's not short by any means. You could have it much worse, the only women that you may have trouble with are the tall ones as all average or short girls will be shorter than you are.</p>

<p>There isn't anything that can be done about it anyway, you might as well just accept it and ignore it. Worrying about it will do you no good. In fact, it will decrease your self-confidence, which will be even more of a turn-off than being 5' 8" could ever be.</p>

<p>just make some money it'll all work out</p>