<p>If money doesn't bring happiness why do we go to college? I know I'm not going into debt so I can tell people I have am happy :P</p>
<p>my dad's 5'3 and he turned out okay lol</p>
<p>um...stop *****ing about your height, seriously. Ok, so you're not huge...but its not like you're a midget or a freak. YOU'RE AVERAGE. </p>
<p>My BF is like 5'7 and a half...I'm 5'6". We've been dating for a year...</p>
<p>I have a buddy who is like 5'5 and gets a lot of girls, its all about how you carry yourself.</p>
<p>I'm 5'11 and still don't get any girls. So it's not all about height.</p>
<p>Actually, I wasn't looking for one anyway.</p>
<p>It's not your height.</p>
<p>You're either uglier than you think you are or not very interesting.</p>
<p>This whole thread leads me to believe it's the latter.</p>
<p>Nick...yours is probably for different reasons...lol...at least from the other thread you were posting on. Your view of women is abhorrible and distorted.
Wutang... maybe you should develop some confidence and go ask a woman out. If she finds you unattractive, figure out what you can improve upon and DO IT. Sure, height matters. BIG DEAL! Frankly, if midgets can reproduce, then what makes your average height so damning?!?</p>
<p><em>plays violin</em></p>
<p>Big girls need love too. Stop crying.</p>
<p>5'8 is more than adequate, i can name dozens of 5'8 OR LESS guys who do just fine. if you arent getting what you want its not because of your height!</p>
<p>I have a theory about short guys. </p>
<p>Women don't hate short guys, or even dislike them. Women hate self-absorbed jerks who complain all the time. You following so far?</p>
<p>If you're short, and you have "short-man" syndrome - ie. you complain constantly that the reason you don't get girls/jobs/sex whatever is because you're too short - height isn't the reason you aren't getting the girls or whatever it is you're after. You're not getting what you want because you're annoying and insecure and can't stop complaining! </p>
<p>If you're short and confident, it shouldn't matter. I have lots of guy friends under 5'10'' and all of them have had girlfriends.</p>
I'm worried I'm going to be weeded out of the gene pool. I hate evolution.
<p>Well, China has the worlds largest population and yet the average Chinese man is about 5.5 ft tall. Looks like short men aren't going to be weeded out anytime soon.</p>
<p>yao ming is the end of the short chinese population</p>
Well, China has the worlds largest population and yet the average Chinese man is about 5.5 ft tall. Looks like short men aren't going to be weeded out anytime soon.
<p>^They might have it even worse because of the disasterous effects of the one-child policy on demographics in China. Not enough girls to go around, if you know what I mean. :S</p>
<p>Whatever. I'm moving to Latin America anyways. For whatever reason, and I'm pretty sure it's the shorter relative height of Latin Americans, I have managed to win over hot hispanic girls in the past. I've also hooked up with hot Asian and Black chicks, both very short. Never have I hooked up with an even reasonably attractive white girl. Never. The only white girls I can remember even making out with were hideous.</p>
<p>I guess I'm just over reacting to a really dry semester. The winter here will really do it to you. I just wish I could date one, just one, French chick, though.</p>
<p>Dude, I have to see a picture of you, you're always whining about how you don't get any even though you clearly understand how women "work". No offense, but the only explanation is you're incredibly ugly or look like a girl. And about the french girl thing, thats gotta be my number one non-academic goal if all goes well and I end up going to McGill, date a french girl or any european girl.</p>
<p>Seriously, you b*tch and moan about your height all the time on here... if you do that in real life and I knew you, I wouldn't want to date you either! You've yet to show us a picture of yourself so we actually know what you look like. You say you're good looking, but how do we know you're just not trying to compensate to yourself over your height?
I'm a tall girl, and that is the only reason I'm hesitant to date guys under 5'9" (my height). Not because I'm insecure about it, (I could care less how tall a guy is unless he's practically a midget, and I have a few guy friends shorter than me) but because short guys are like you and whine about me being bigger than them. I can't deal with that shiz all the time. Guys are so effing insecure about their height, it's worse than girls complaining about being fat all the time. You're average, dude, deal with it. There are plenty, and I mean plenty, of girls who are like 5'2" that would probably be happy to date you (if you are as good-looking as you say) if you would stop being such a whiny baby all the time.</p>
<p>I find it funny how girls appear so altruistic and egalitarian in their posts, but none of it is reflected in real life statistics.</p>
I find it funny how girls appear so altruistic and egalitarian in their posts, but none of it is reflected in real life statistics.
<p>Yeah I totally agree with that. Based on their posts here, it seems as if these girls must be really nice people in real life, but that is not the case. In fact, in real life I find a lot of them to be quite discriminating (as wutang said) and self-centered.</p>
<p>uh, I have a 5'8 friend that is universally considered good looking, but girls refuse to date him because of his height. So why wouldn't be any different for me?</p>
<p>Also, I don't recall saying I was super good looking. I'm decent looking, at best. I've posted a pic before, you can search it (a bit worried about my anonymity given the nature of these posts). Basically, I'm of at least average looks, height aside. I never once said I was classically handsome. But I know plenty of attractive girls that date tall guys who are a million times uglier than me.</p>
<p>I rarely come across all of these self centered mean girls that all of you guys seem to speak of.. maybe its you?</p>