How to have incentives....

<p>Wutang has a point, I have a Bulgarian friend that looks a lot like you and is around 5' 7 and girls always tell him he's cute but they never date him. His girlfriends are all asian women, which I'm sure is because they're shorter.</p>

<p>You have to find someone who is a good height for you.. I'm 6' or maybe 6'1 and I wouldn't want to date a girl who is 5'1</p>

<p>I'm short but I have something to cover for that lost</p>

<p>Some of the biggest players that I know are around your height. You need to quit whining.</p>

<p>On top of that, I'm 5'9" and have been asked out (yes, they asked me!) by many good looking women; one was even 5'8". Christ, this is the most pathetic thing that I've ever seen on CC, and that says a lot.</p>

<p>yeah, see...I'm short and "ethnic"...yet I'm considered saw my photo....I'm not fat or ugly, by any means. But yeah, if I was more alpha (which I'm not) I could probably score with white girls. Whatever. I hate putting white women on a pedestal. I'm white, BTW, although southern European...hence the height/darker features...</p>

<p>I think that manhood shouldn't be measured by the number of girls, or the race of the girls you hook up with. Sadly, many of my friends see it that way, so it's easy to fall into that herd mentality.</p>

<p>For what its worth, I agree with Cono-the hottest women in the world are Latina.</p>

<p>Manhood is also being able to grill up a filet of salmon or a steak when you want, and also drinking good beer.</p>

<p>I never saw your photo. From what I've seen, the guys that get called 'cute' are the one's lacking masculine facial features. For example, a strong brow, eyebrows, chin, jaw, deepset eyes, etc. But I still see guys lacking all of those getting girls at your height. I don't think that 5'8" should be such a huge issue for you. There will be girls that simply won't date you because of your height, but there will be many more that won't care, as long as you have a have something to offer in other areas. I remember you mentioning being social and popular somewhere, but there's a lot more to sex appeal (personality-wise) than being popular and funny.</p>

<p>What do you mean by southern european? Like Greek? I'm Romanian and wish that I looked more ethnic than I do, but I do look ethnic compared to most white people here.</p>

<p>Russell, I'm 50% brasilian haha.. I wish I looked more ethnic :P</p>

<p>Whats your other 50%? Latin americans can pull off pretty much any look... long hair, short hair, bald... at least most of them. But I do see a lot of brazilians that look pure white, since that place is a big melting pot from what I understand.</p>

<p>I'm learning Spanish, but it doesn't sound as cool without the latin american accent. At least I've learned to trill my R's.</p>

<p>women, white girls too, love men who have an ethnic tinge to them</p>

umm women (white girls too) LOVE ethnic. by ethnic i mean a darker mixed look. the whole abercrombie/calvin klein white bread look is for gays.


<p>You're just jealous of white guys with the abercrombie/calvin klein look coz you can't look like them. :P</p>

<p>I look the way I do because my mom was Canadian and my dad's a Leprechaun... hence the red hair.</p>

<p>russell, yeah I'm just completely white lol my other side is all european</p>

<p>You're just jealous of white guys with the abercrombie/calvin klein look coz you can't look like them. :P</p>

<p>Not a big fan. I'd rather look like this:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>or this
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>than look like a feminine abercrombie model. Or even something like Dominic Purcell... but he's Norwegian.</p>

<p>my exbf of 3 years was 5'4 when we started going out, now hes about 5'5. im only 5'2 so yeah, he was short but it only was weird at prom or sweet 16s when i had to wear heals. otherwise i couldnt care less. 5'8-5'10 is actually perfect height for me. i dont like too tall guys.. not saying that if i liked them i wouldnt go out with htem cause they were tall but i prefer shorter guys.</p>

<p>now hes in college and has another steady girlfriend.. obviously its not 80% height then</p>

<p>I've heard that many times from girls around your height. Interesting enough... most girls that've approached me are around 5'2" or 5'3".</p>

<p>Well, I'm 5'9" and I still pretty much just like guys that are even with me or a little taller than me. Anything over 6'1" is kiiiinda awkward, (my friend Dane is 6'7" and I always feel weird around him and being the short one for a change) I don't know how short girls deal with dating someone so much freaking bigger than they are. I guess I'm just used to being the tall one so it bothers me when people are alot bigger than me, lol. The guy I have a little bit of a crush on right now is about even with me, but he's so cute! (Definitely my type. Dark hair, kinda scruffy)</p>

<p>no nick, as a man i'd rather be scruffy dark and masculine than some blond pretty boy</p>

<p>Isn't namaste hello in hindi? Are you Indian?</p>

<p>yeah he's a pretty indian boy, Mr. somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad.</p>