How to have incentives....

<p>omg this is sooo dumb. Wutang this may sound weird to you but you should avoid average height girls 5'4 - 5'5 and go after the short girls that other ppl suggested and tall girls like me. I am tall 5'8 and i find that most tall girls like myself only care if guys are at least their height because there are not that many really tal guys out their for us. My bf is my height or maybe an inch shorter, and basically all my previous hookups are in that 5'7 range. I have had tall guys of course, but it is not a big deal at all. I understand things are different for you because you are out of school and probably looking for ladies in the club or whatnot, but if you spent your time elsewhere im sure you will have no problem finding a girl. You do not need to go to latin america that is sooo stupid.</p>