<p>hi! i'm from Korea and attending a state school in NJ soon.
well I've never lived in US or other English-speaking countries so actually i'm so worried if i can do well in college.
i just want to ask current college students who graduated from highschool abroad.
wasnt it hard to write papers or participate in classes at first??
how have you managed your GPAs and improved English skills?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>
<p>Ugh… I just wanted to ask the same question.
I’m attending gtown this fall (not so many international students from non english-speaking countries). I’ve never lived abroad before too and what concerns me the most is speaking. So, how did you guys improve speaking skills?
Sorry, sushi, I didn’t really answer to your question.
(I just don’t want to write another similar thread)</p>
<p>I had never lived in an English speaking country but I’d say my English is pretty developed. Just read a lot. Thats the only, and best, advice I can give. Read read and read. Anything from magazines to novels. Even comics. Watch movies, soap operas, television shows, anything. Just immerse yourself in the language. You’ll pick it up easy enough.</p>
<p>Thanks (th)ink. anyone else?</p>
<p>@keb9008 : oh gtown?? congrats 
btw where are you from?</p>
<p>Your speaking skills won’t improve until you start speaking, which you will do once you are over here and you have to. If people ask you to repeat a lot, or don’t seem to understand you well, get some coaching with your accent.</p>
<p>i know its hard when u are from non-english speaking country. even me i came from kenya though we learn everything in english there ,then the accent is different and my first days in school,i was so confused but i just adapted with the american accent. thanks to my british english background .
so,i would say you try your best and work hard on it. Becouse englishmen say “hardwork never goes unrewarded”</p>