How to improve on Writing?

<p>I got a 8 the first time and 9 the second time. I was sure I got atleast a 10 on the second time. My basic outline for now is:</p>

<p>Hook sentence
Into-state reasons</p>

<p>Body 1-reason 1 and why and examples</p>

<p>Body 2-reason 2 and why and examples</p>

<p>Body 3-reason 3 and why and examples</p>

<p>Give a opposite view of the situation
Conclusion </p>

<p>So my questions are:
How to improve? (I know lentgh doesnt matter as long you have a page and a half)
Is my approach good?</p>

<p>just out of curiosity, what kinds of essay Qs can i expect?</p>

<p>The first time I took the ACT I got a 10, the second time an 11. It's really simple. I'll try to be as concise (but precise) as possible.</p>

<p>Keep in mind these are my tips which helped me get an 11. Everyone might not have the same strategies.</p>

<p>First, NEVER dive into the essay. Take 5-10 minutes to plan (yes you'll still have time to write ur essay). If you take this time to plan, you will know EXACTLY what to write and won't be wasting time to think what comes next.
<em>Do not OVERTHINK the question. The second time I took the ACT I thought my essay was </em>* but turned out I did better lol. This is due to the fact that I was more relaxed and created more bs.
*Use big words occasionally and spell as accurately as possible. Blab A LOT and bs (if ur not good at this, you still should have some good supporting detail).
*Use transistions A LOT. Just toss them into every sentence beginning.</p>

<p>Actual essay:</p>

<p>Paragraph 1: Introduction
~State issue/concern (passage)
~State the 2 views
~State your view
~Reason 1 why you support your view
~Reason 2
~Reason 3
~Thesis (Ultimately, the advantages of a school dress code outweighs the disadvantages.)</p>

~State oppositon (a point FAVORING the side u OPPOSE) --1 or 2 sent. at most
~State weakest reason first (ur least-strong supporting reason)
~Give an example</p>

~State reason
~Examples and all that good stuff</p>

<p>PARA 4 (BEST REASON--so reader reminds this last)
~Final plea to impress and pursue your reader so make it good!
~State final reason
~Connect with previous reasons and how all reason support ur claim
~Examples and supproting information</p>

<p>PARA 5
~Restate ur thesis
~Restate why (3 reasons in 3-5 sentences)
~One final BANG (Concluding sentence. In the end , ___ )</p>

<p>And hopefully you'll breathe a sigh of relief!</p>

<p>Use the above outline during the planning period (5-10 min at most)
the remainder write ur ass of..but it's easy cause you'll knwo what to write if you've already temporarily drafted it.</p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>isn't the ACT writing shorter than the SAT? </p>

<p>in peoples experience, is it easier to score higher on ACT writing?</p>

<p>BTW thanks for this outline. I know it might be bad to go into an essay with a preformatted essay or the like, but i think it might not matter as much for a draft essay like ACT writing. </p>

<p>any other tips for organization, etc to speed up writing? i'm a very slow writer, i think mainly because it takes me so long to get organized and to decide what a really want to write and how i want to write it.</p>