Sounds so weird but Im an engineering student; I love Calculus and I can do it so well. But the thing is i just can’t digest Physics, even if I spend hours doing the homework. What can i do?
My kid is a physics PhD student who TAs the intro physics class engineers take at her university. She commented today that it is very hard to master that class without doing a lot of problem sets, but some of the profs don’t teach it with problem sets. If your textbook has problems you aren’t required to do, consider spending some of your study time on those. If your school offers any tutoring, take advantage of it. Same with office hours for your prof or TA. If you have problem sets with answers available, seek help if you don’t understand every step to get to the answer.
@intparent, my 10 grader will take AP PHysics 1 next year and AP Physics C the year after. Can you ask your D if she recommends and self study material such as youtube teaching ect that D can you to supplement her learning?
I’m not sure she is the best to ask about that. Her HS didn’t offer AP Physics.
@BingeWatcher, my son took both. I wouldn’t recommend any supplemental studies until your daughter determines it is needed. Why waste effort and time that could be directed to other things, including important, and oft overlooked, leisure?
He did do some self study review of E&M (not covered in C) when he decided to use his AP credit from C (mechanics) to test out of Physics I. Kahn Academy was a good resource.
Thank you @eyemgh.