How to inform colleges of schedule change? (help please)

<p>So I've taken a semester of Calculus, and I got a decent grade and all, but a lot of people didn't. This resulted in the minimum class size for the second semester to not be reached. So basically I won't have a second semester of Calculus.</p>

<p>How would I go about informing colleges of my schedule change? and how severely will this affect my admission?</p>

<p>Thanks for your time, and response.</p>

<p>It’s out of your control so I really don’t see how it could hurt your application.</p>

<p>when your counselor sends in your transcript, have him/her write an explanation on why you were unable to take the class…</p>

<p>It won’t hurt your chances at all!</p>

<p>Well I should have paid attention to the other threads before I posted mine lol. Thanks.</p>