How to keep myself awake?

<p>I had a terrible start in the second semester cause i usually fall to sleep around 9 or 10 p.m. and wake up around 7 a.m., i just couldn't help myself to stop sleeping nor waking up a little bit earlier... What should i do?</p>

<p>Coffee (10char)</p>

<p>that’s a pretty good sleep cycle for a teenager, i say keep it and just manage your time better. i went without sleep for much of high school and i think i suffered permanent damage to my intelligence.</p>

<p>I agree. My sleep schedule is effing horrible. You don’t wake up until 7, so you could push it till 11 or 12 if necessary. If you ever need to, you could try coffe. When I have a cup of espresso made with Ethiopian moka from Fauchon I stay up forever. I can also have a Tv on or music playing but don’t do that if it distracts you.</p>

<p>your schedule is great… put a alarm for 6:30 am</p>

<p>Crack (10 char.)</p>


<p>is it even possible to fall asleep at 9 pm…</p>

<p>That’s actually a lot of sleep. I go to bed at 11:30 and get up at 5:45. Try caffeine pills.</p>

<p>go on CC…</p>

<p>Try turning down the heat in your room. It’s harder to fall asleep when you’re not all warm and comfy.</p>

<p>I wish I had that sleep cycle. I have to wake up at 5am and I usually don’t fall asleep until around 11, 12, or even 1.</p>

<p>My sleep cycle last semester was terrible–I’d go to bed at about 12:30 or 1, and wake up at 6:37 (automaticallly…). This semester it’s much better. I sleep at around 10 or 11 and wake up at 6:50. I say keep your sleep cycle and just try to get your work done from 4-7ish, when you know you won’t get tired.</p>

<p>Um, you should stick with that sleep cycle. 9~10 hours is normal, and it’s how much I get.</p>

<p>yeah, you should just keep to that. im quite envious, my sleep sched is like… go to sleep anywhere from 11-2 (lately is been more around 2) wake up at 6:10 then pass out as soon as i get home. i would not recommend this.</p>

<p>5 Hour Energy…this stuff works wonders for me.</p>

<p>I reread your post a couple times trying to figure out what was the problem…</p>

<p>Consider yourself lucky… lol</p>

<p>Coffee! I wish I had that much time to sleep… :(</p>

<p>Diet Coke or Chocolate help for me</p>

<p>Do work before you sleep. I wish I could sleep 10 hours a day.</p>

<p>You can try trading bodies with me.</p>