How to list date or number of hours for CSF (California Scholarship Federation) on UC Application?

<p>On the UC App I listed CSF under Awards. In our school CSF has an application and fee to turn in during every semester. During graduation were supposed to get some recognition/wear chords. How would I list the date when I received this award if I haven't gotten it yet. And if it goes under Extracurricular Activities how would I list hours if there wasn't many meetings through my high school years?</p>

<p>You can’t list it under awards, if you haven’t gotten it by the time of application.</p>

<p>Just list the start date in which you applied and was accepted to CSF and the end date (Month/year at Graduation). Most colleges will know which award you will receive depending upon how many years you have been a member. </p>

<p>ok on the uc app there is only one date entry available under awards. so are you saying to put it under the description and if it doesnt go under awards where would i put it, additional comments?</p>

<p>The CSF Sealbearer requires a semester of qualifying senior grades in addition to 3 other semesters before that. So truthfully, your CSF Award is TBD and you can report it as such.</p>

<p>ok thank you all for your help</p>