<p>It's almost time for graduation, yet I cannot help but harbor spite for the teachers who still mercilessly pile on homework assignment after homework assignment and test after test. All as APs draw to a close, as well!!</p>
<p>I am frustrated and SICK of high school, more than anyone else I know is... just thinking of waking up tomorrow, getting ready, and dragging my ass to high school makes me sick.</p>
<p>I know I'm almost done, but these last few weeks really are the hardest.</p>
<p>Does anyone else feel this way? And how can I attempt to avoid this feeling?</p>
<p>UGHHH I hate school.</p>
<p>Hahahah if only… they’re cracking down super-hard on all the seniors who are ditching these days. :(</p>
<p>Wow. Why are you stressing over AP exams? Aren’t you already going to college?</p>
<p>At least you’ll be done with high school…!</p>
<p>I hate knowing that I have to wake up tomorrow morning and go to school for 8 hours, only to get another couple of hours that night!</p>
<p>And I’m still a freshman… it stinks knowing I have 3 more years of this. I only have 2 weeks until exams, but it feels like it’s taking forever!</p>
Plan something that’s fun everyday. that won’t take up a lot of time. Idk. That’s my best shot at happiness during the last few weeks.</p>
<p>AP exams are probably the least contributing factor to my stress. I’m stressing over keeping my grades up when I have a very limited stock of motivation remaining. :/</p>
<p>^ hahahaha welcome to my life. And do you have to send your university an end of year report card? If not, I wouldn’t even show up to class.</p>
<p>Hahah unfortunately I do
I mean I won’t get rescinded unless I’m in D-F territory for every class, but I still feel like I should at least try to get good grades.</p>
<p>This sucks.</p>
<p>lol your teachers suck.</p>
<p>I feel sorry for you, the IB teachers at my school said after IB Exams, we’re done. We’re not doing anything.</p>
<p>First off, remove all sharp edges in the vicinity.</p>
<p>Since I live on the NE, We still have all of May and June to get through before school ends.</p>
<p>I hate the feeling in mid June, when i know that kids around America are done with school, yet I’m taking finals still.</p>
<p>The Summer of my Junior Year is going to be HELL as well. </p>
<p>I’m really looking forward to like FEB 2011, where I don’t have to care anymore.</p>
<p>Well to be honest until APs are over your teachers are not completely in the wrong for setting tests and assignments. After APs though the simple solution is to sort of just coast and adopt a “whatever” attitude.</p>