How to make the most of a college visit?

Hi, I am visiting a couple colleges this summer and I was wondering how to make the most of my visit. I know that it is summer time and it won’t be the same experience as if school was in session. I have looked up tours and information sessions, but I was wondering what else I could do to make the most of my experience. For example, if I’m interested in research…should I look up a couple labs and try and talk to professors? Not sure. Right now, all the colleges I’m visiting are just a “name,” I’m really hoping to distinguish them through my visit.

Lastly, what are some good questions to ask? I know I want to ask some questions about the specific program I am interested in, but not sure what else. Please direct me to some helpful forums if you know of any related to this topic. When I searching about this on CC, I couldn’t really find a comprehensive answer.

Thank you.