How to move quickly on the CR section?

<p>By far, my CR section is pretty bad. Its about a 630 right now, and iw ant to get it up to at least 680.</p>

<p>I think its because i have been taking too much time on the reading questions. The sentence completions are a breeze, but when i start reading the passages, and eventually the questions, i look at my watch and i have 5-6 minutes left for the test. What am i doing wrong? If you tell me to skim the passage, what does skimming mean?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>Try Barron’s SAT 2400 strategy. Go to the questions first, and look for the line reference questions only. Then draw a vertical line next to the corresponding line(s) in the passage. When you read up to the line, go to the question and answer it, so you don’t have to keep flipping back and rereading later on. I’m pretty bad at CR also. Everybody has different reading preferences, sometimes the topic just isn’t your forte.</p>

<p>Simple: read more.</p>

<p>The ONLY way to definitively do well on CR is to be a strong reader. Other “hacks” like reading the questions first don’t work nearly as well.</p>

<p>Immersing yourself in short pieces allows you to simply read FAST. I recommend reading The Economist to improve your skills. (I easily finish CR sections with >10 minutes to spare.)</p>

<p>When you read, you <em>will</em> learn to subconsciously skim. Skimming means you read for <em>content</em> rather than style. Just try to get the feel of the passage, you don’t need to know each word. Then, reread specific lines for questions, if you need to.</p>

<p>thanks for the help!</p>