How to pass the UC Writing Exam and what do they look for?

<p>I will be taking it next Saturday and now I am kind of nervous about it.
I’ve never taken any AP English class/exam before.
I only scored 490 on Reading, 560 on Writing, and an 8 on SAT essay.
However throughout my high scool English class I only got A’s.
So how hard it is to pass this test? I’ve been reading about it from other threads and some people said it’s pretty easy but also there were still a good number of people who did not pass the writing test.
I heard that you have to deeply analyze the text and what else are they looking for?
Please help</p>

<p>(sidenote to admin: I don’t know where to place my thread on the UC writing exam since it’s not about the SAT or ACT so please don’t remove my thread :))</p>

<p>and what are the topics usually?</p>

<p>[Entry</a> Level Writing Requirement](<a href=“Entry Level Writing Requirement | University of California”>Entry Level Writing Requirement | University of California)</p>