How to post a Chance Me or Match Me (reverse chance me) thread -- START HERE

You use whatever GPA is reposted on your transcript

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So I have two questions, our school only uses weighted so how do you calculate unweighted, do you use the =/- if the school uses it? And I was wondering for others, how do you compare kids when some people use whole letters only and others use +/-?

You can calculate a basic unweighted GPA by looking at all grades in academic courses, counting A=4, B=3, etc., adding those values, and dividing by the number of grades.

At some colleges, there is a known GPA recalculation method. If applying to those colleges, it can also be helpful to list that GPA with a note like “for [name of college(s)]”.


2 posts were split to a new thread: Chance Me Please

Can we come to a consensus on a recommendation for what to include in a title? What is too little information? And what is too much information?

And, just like the “help-me-decide” threads were posted in College Search & Selection, should all of the match-me, help-me-find type threads be moved to the Chance-Me/Match-Me forum?

For most high school students applying as frosh to US colleges and universities, it would be helpful to include the following in the title:

  • State residency, or “US domestic without any state residency”, or “International”.
  • Unweighted GPA. (or class rank if primarily targeting Texas publics, or UC/CSU recalculated GPA if primarily targeting UC/CSU)
  • SAT and/or ACT scores, if available and not applying only to test-blind colleges.
  • Budget limit.
  • Intended or possible major (and/or goals like pre-med or pre-law). If undecided, general ideas would be helpful if known (e.g. “social sciences”, “engineering or physics”, “performing arts”).
  • Target colleges of particular interest, if any.

Transfer applicants should include:

  • “Transfer” and what level will be transferring as (i.e. sophomore or junior).
  • State residency, or “US domestic without any state residency”, or “International”.
  • College GPA.
  • Budget limit.
  • Intended major (and/or goals like pre-med or pre-law).
  • Target colleges of particular interest, if any.

The reason I ask is that some of the titles are becoming very long.

Personally, I think colleges should be in the tag section rather than the title. I also think “class of 20XX” could be in the tag section rather than the title. That said, sometimes the tag section becomes very long when students list multiple colleges.

Would the following format work?

Match me: State, GPA/test score, budget for major

For example: Match me: FL resident with 3.8/1400, under $50K for CS

Yes, that would be a concise and descriptive thread title. Other examples:

  • Match me: International with 3.8/1400, under $50k for CS
  • Match me: US domestic without state residency with 3.8/1400, under $50k for CS
  • Match me: FL resident junior transfer with 3.7, under $50k for CS
  • Match me: FL resident with 3.8/1400, under $50k for undecided major, probably in social sciences or business
  • Match me: FL resident with 3.8/1400, $0 parent contribution but no financial aid in NPCs, for CS
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Please add to the GPA and class rank something like “or approximate class percentile”, along with an explanation that without this information, it is very difficult to give feedback.

A post was split to a new thread: Chance Me Please