<p>I'm in a desperate situation. I've been taking AP Bio over the year outside of school (with a tutor). He's informational and well-informed about what contents to cover over, but I've slackened off. I'm not especially excited about bio, especially with the monotonous voice he teaches in. But here I am, less than one month away, and I haven't started studying. A notebook full of notes, and a Campbell textbook.</p>
<p>How should I study? The notes I'm given contains many of the primary diagrams to review over and terms to memorize, but time gives no mercy. I'm also taking AP Chem this year. I'm pretty stable on that subject, but I don't shine above, and I can't ignore that either. Is the best way for studying Bio just to stare at notes and review the textbook? People say Cliffnote and all, and I've taken a look at it before, but how far can it really get me when it contains just the basic principles?</p>