How to prepare for First Year Engineering at Purdue?

Hi Everybody,

I was recently offered admission into the Purdue class of 2022. I intend on being a chemical engineer, which I know is competitive to get into. I want to know the best ways of preparing for First Year Engineering over the summer and whether most applicants get into their first choice major with GPAs lower than what the website states as minimum requirements.

Thank You in advance!

This thread may have some answers to your questions:

First off relax over the summer and just prepare yourself to move into your dorm, get your books. You were accepted so they expect you to be able to handle the work. You will create your schedule at orientation. If you choose you can attend Boiler Goldrush. It will prepare you for getting around campus and getting to know people. When you get your sylubus review it and begin to read ahead and take notes on what you’ve read. Do this before all of your classes. Go to every class, take note in class and compare to your reading notes. Take advantage of recitations and tutoring if you have questions. Take an opportunity to meet your professors. Go to the career expos as a freshman talk to companies and find out about who they are what they offer and what they are looking for. Get involved in extra curriculars but not overinvolved. You will be busy with your FYE course a lot of it will require time. There is a joke among FYE students that you end up riding the struggle bus. You can do it.

My D is a super senior Chem E. She’s had a great experience. It’s been a lot of work but worth it. Good luck!