what you want to quote
what you want to quote
(/what you want to quote
what you want to quote
[ quote ] what you want to quote [ /quote ]
Delete the spaces from inside the brackets. It’s like an opening tag and a closing tag.
[/what you want to quote]
[ quote=Krishdesai]How do you quote someone? [ /quote].
[ ] what you want to quote [ /]
[ quote ] what you want to quote [ /quote ]
Thanks for the help… unfortunately I am still not getting it.
[ quote ] what you want to quote [ /quote ]
Why do you write out the word “quote” in your directions?
And if I copy what you did, why isn’t it in the CC quote form?
The word “quote” inside the brackets is what tells the website to put your text in quote form. It recognizes words inside square brackets like that as a command, and then interprets it based on what word is in the brackets.
However, the word needs to be by itself within the brackets, with no extra spaces. With parentheses instead of square brackets, it would look like this:
(quote) text here (/quote)
But if I try to tell you what to do with just the proper code – square brackets, no spaces, etc. – CC will interpret that as a command and just do it, instead of showing you the code.
Ok. Thanks for explaining that. I took your example, copied and pasted it, and then deleted the spaces within the brackets and it worked!
I really think they need to get someone to do coding to do a “reply with quote”. Other blogs I have been on do this. In fact, I just went into a different website’s blog and noticed when you click on reply with quote it automatically uses the command prompts that you have shown me to do manually here…obviously I am not a “Techy”.
Thanks again for the help.