How to request a gap year

My son was accepted at his first choice school but would like to take a gap year before beginning (due to him being young/immature). The school said that he would need to send a letter to the dean to request a deferral and explain what he plans to do with the time off. However, we don’t want to go through the process of researching gap year options if he may not be approved. We also think that it could be beneficial for him to make the request now, before RD comes out and there are potentially too many gap year requests, so we don’t have time to fully explore the options. Is there a downside to him making the request and just giving a general idea of what he hopes to do? Or would it be better to wait and come up with a more concrete plan?

What’s a general idea- work for pay at an animal shelter and volunteer in the community (without naming names, specifying number of hours, etc.)? That’s fine. But “I need a year to mature before starting college” without anything that sounds like a plan- doesn’t sound terribly compelling.

I’m not sure that worrying about the volume of requests is a problem. Colleges maintain waiting lists… a bed that won’t be occupied next year because your kid is doing a Gap year will get occupied by someone who gets admitted off the wait list in May.

Between kids completing military service, religious volunteer commitments, etc. colleges are used to evaluating gap year requests.

Good luck- and how great your son is one and done already!


I know this - if you don’t do the letter it won’t be approved.

I’d look at options.

If it’s as simple as he’s going to work and save up money - and the actual job is unknown at this point - then that’s what it is. If you can develop a plan, of course that’s better.

I’d go earlier then later.

If it’s rejected, you either go now or re apply to schools next year.