How to respond to this professor

We were exchanging emails about a lost assignment and how it dropped my grade, so I was lucky that he found my assignment and gave me credit for it. My grade is now 2 points away from becoming and A so I emailed him back a thank you for finding the assignment and asked if there was anything I could do to fix my grade. I honestly feel like this response was very rude and I don’t know what to write back.

"Hi Lizzy,
I understand your predicament.

If I give you the extra chance now- then does that mean I should also offer it to the other 29 students in class?"

Not rude at all. I would respond “I understand.”

Wants to be fair to all. And he isn’t going to engage in a long, detailed explanation. Didn’t insult you. It’s just short and absolute.

So I’d say, thank you. And something about appreciating that he made the effort to find your paper. Make nice.

As I told my kids, everyinteraction is a chance to make a good impression. Some day, in the future, this may pay off.

I agree that your prof’s response was more than appropriate.

As a college instructor myself I can tell you that I get the same email from at least one or two students in every class and I basically respond the same way. I can’t allow one person to do something extra to improve their grade if I don’t allow everyone the same opportunity. I would say thank you to your professor and be super polite. You just never know if the professor will end up curving the grades or if you will have him again.

I am sympathetic to your situation, I remember sending a similar note to a professor when I was in college and being annoyed when she ignored me.

The response was not rude. Not only did he answer your question, he offered you the rationale for it.

I would respond "Thanks for getting back to me. I understand and respect your position. "

It was a clean and respectful blank wall for a reason: too much explanation just leaves edges for students to hang excuses on. Just assume good intent, don’t go looking for offenses, this isn’t high school, etc, etc etc and remember to be thankful that your missing paper was found and made it on to the books before the end of the semester.