<p>Hi, I'm trying to find the official EA and RD threads at a couple of schools and I can't seem to get there using "Search." Can someone please tell me if there's a simple way to accomplish this? Thanks so much.</p>
<p>Click search</p>
<p>Click advanced search</p>
<p>In search by key word area -type in topic ex. official rd results</p>
<p>*search in forum(s) * click on the school name of thread that you are looking for</p>
<p>*search now *</p>
<p>Thanks so much. I'm afraid that going with the search question, official EA thread, arrives at too many hits at the colleges I'm wondering about (to the point that the system rejects the query), so I'll try to narrow.</p>
<p>Hi Nestor,</p>
<p>You are right, especially when looking for things such as EA, ED results where there can be multiple threads on this topic within one forum. When doing your search, pare it down and take on one school at a time.</p>
<p>hope this nets a better result</p>
<p>U S News college guide has a listing of schools , their ED deadline and admission rate. Hope this helps</p>
<p>listing for early action admissions</p>