How to self study and get a 5 on AP Economics?

I am taking AP Macroeconomics this year online. However, it is not to late to start AP Microeconomics. But the website recommends Algebra 2 as a prerequisite and I am taking that class this year. I was wonder if it is hard to study for AP Economics. I am taking AP Geography and AP U.S. Government this year as well, so will it be to much wor? I have never taken an AP class or exam ever. If anyone can give knowledge on this topic, I would appreciate it. Also, what prep books would you recommend? For government I bought the 5 step to 5 book, barons flash cards, and crash course book. For Geography the Barrons flash card, the Princeton Review book, and the crash course book. But all I bought for Economics was the Princeton Review book, and the crash course book for macroeconomics.

Are these books enough and should I add Microeconomics?

I used no books and no classes to score a 5 on AP Micro. Look up “ACDC Econ” on YouTube. Buy his $10 review packet (it also contains the link to the videos for Units 4-6, which are “unlisted” on YouTube). Go through each unit’s playlist and take notes. PR should be fine, just use it for the practice tests once you have gone through all of ACDC Econ. Seriously, around 5 hours of video and the exam was a BREEZE.

I’m not taking a class for AP Macro, but I am using his videos again and signing up for the test, as I can place out of some classes when I get my second 5. Seriously, the guy is an econ GOD.

Best of luck!


No problem. You probably think I’m crazy (a semester long course in 5 hours, yeah right), but that’s really all you need in terms of learning the material. However, I do strongly recommend that you get PR for the practice tests, do the practice problems in ACDC Econ’s book, AND (something I forgot to mention in my last post) do the free response sections from the 2001, 2002, 2003 etc. exams until you are getting through them like cake. They are easily searchable on Google.

For MC, just go over your notes on the material, and the free response will be the easiest thing you have taken in your life if you’ve powered through 5-6 past exams a few days before. Good luck again.

Thanks, I don’t think your crazy. I just had my mom order the ACDC econ review pack. Also, thanks for the extra info.
I will defiantly use that material.

@gmanhax Each AP Econ course is about 8 hours. Did you choose specific high-yield videos to narrow it down to 5 hours? Or did you just watch all the unit summary videos?

@ZealousScholar Each summary video is ~30 minutes. There are 6 units. 30 min x 6 = 3 hours. There are other short videos throughout the playlist, I skipped a few (he has some videos in the playlist that teach the same thing, but are older) and estimated the total watch time to be around 5 hours (it may be longer than that if you watch every single vid… probably around 8 like you said). Naturally, because you are taking notes and practicing in the review packet as you go along, it will take longer than 5 hours to complete.